Breck Taylor Pix

Author statement
Have returned to picture making over the last few years after a half century hiatus. I live in a garden variety "older" suburb - Havertown, PA - outside a large Mid-Atlantic city . I try to attend to interesting available images in the everyday. Nearby nature sites and of course Chanticleer also offer endless, changing possibilities.
Been fortunate to take classes the last few years from several outstanding local photographers including (alphabetically) John Benigno, Laura Ducceschi, Vladimir Hartman, Bill Kelly, Ray Schneider, and Rick Wright. Sammy Belkowitz has provided TONS of insanely helpful technical and artistic advice over the past few years. None of these folks bear any responsibility for whatever flaws you will find in these images.
ABOVE: Christmas Eve, 2023, Collingswood, NJ.
"Taking a picture is, indeed, stopping the world." - George Tice (1938-2025, author of "Lifework (2022), Paterson (1971), and "Fields of Peace: A Pennsylvania German Album" (1970)).
“Disenchantment, strife and anxiety enshroud our time in stygian darkness. - Dave Heath (1961) Dialogue with Solitude.
